Powerful Together, Pa'lante! CJJC's 5th Anniversary Celebration

Sorry Registration for this event ended on May 27th, 2015 6:00 PM
 Registration is closed for this event

Tickets to Causa Justa :: Just Cause's anniversary celebration, Powerful Together, Pa'lante is currently sold out. You can still support Causa Justa :: Just Cause by donating here.

May 28, 2015 from  6:00 PM to  9:00 PM
388 9th Street
Oakland, CA 94607
Ticket Prices
Ticket Prices
VIP Ticket (include special recognition in the program and reserved seating) $100.00
Individual Ticket (general admission) $65.00
Low-income and organizational members only $25.00
I want to purchase a pack of 10 tickets $650.00
I want to buy an Individual Ticket and donate 1 Individual Ticket $130.00
I want to donate an Individual Ticket $65.00
I want to donate a VIP ticket $100.00
I want to donate a low-income and organizational member ticket $25.00